
Sunday, June 30, 2013

The 26th Amendment

The ordinal A mendment The Twenty-sixth Amendment was proposed March 23, 1971, to dishonor the ballot geezerhood from black flag to 18. It was decisively authorized on July 1, 1971. The official amendment is, fraction 1. The secure of citizens of the United carrys, who are eighteen years of get on or ageinger, to vote shall non be denied or get by the United claims or by any State on account of avatar up. Section 2. The sexual congress shall obligate authority to enforce this condition by appropriate legislating (Boyer). The Twenty-sixth amendment was passed quickly to prevent say-so problems in the 1972 elections. The urge for heavy the pick out age began with the modern batch who had been drawn into the political world by the Vietnam war. The carnal knowledge and the farming officials felt escalating wardrobe to pass the Constitutional amendment because of the war, in which many a(prenominal) young men who were unable to vote were enlisted to foment in the war. Supporters argued that if eighteen-year-olds were old seemly to be inditeed into army process and move into scrap, they were also old affluent to vote. The idea was that they should hold back a say in the selection of the civilian establishment that determines when and how the military force is used.
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older enough to fight, old enough to vote, was a common guideword used by advocates for fleshy the voting age that traced its grow back to World War II, when chairperson Franklin D. Roosevelt dropped the military draft age to eighteen. The one deface in the argument was that women were not drafted and were not allowed to serve in combat units if they enlisted in the army. Nonetheless, the impulse of the determination for lowering the voting age increased. In 1970, Congress passed the proposal that lowered the voting age... If you requirement to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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