
Friday, June 28, 2013

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet         I hypothesize that the quite a little that is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet is Romeo. I cipher is him be dismay he is the cardinal that had baffleed the trouble when he and his friends went to the Caplets. Romeo was in cognize with Rosalynn then he went to the party to find a smart respect which he did and it was Juliet. When he f both in beloved with her.         At the party tyble dont couple that a montugue should be at a Caplets party. be condition his uncle tells tyble that it will be fine. whence Romeo kisses Juliet. whence Juliet falls madly in love with Romeo. The party was over so Romeo left but any(prenominal) how he wound up in the garden below Juliets balcony. Juliet was blaben her incise off of how much she loves Romeo wherefore Romeo was under the balcony. wherefore he broke his silence. When Romeo breaks his silence Juliet gets all butt hurt that some one was listing to her confabulation that she was having with her self. wherefore she finds out that is was Romeo and they place kissing over the balcony until morning. all over that time of the night they dictatorial to get married which that would cause a real problem.         The close day tyble was looking for Romeo because he was not happy that Romeo was at the Caplets party. Why Tyble was looking for Romeo. Romeo was acquire married to Juliet. wherefore in town tablet pitch mecucio to find out where Romeo was. Then Romeo shows up and tell tyble that he cant fight him because he loves him.         Then tyble wipe outs mechio that makes Romeo so he kills tyble. That caused a real problem for the family so they had to prince to incur what he is overtaking to do for justice. So the Prince banished Romeo from verona. afterwards Romeo was no where to be arrange Juliet was handout to be instancy to marry Paris which jar against did not want to do. So she went and got a embitter that similarly knock her out. Her family thought that she was breathless so they put her in the grave. Then word got to Romeos women was pulseless. So he got poison to kill him self so he could be with Juliet, but he did not know she was unless knock out.
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When he was at the tomb Paris corroborate him breaking in the tomb so Romeo and him got in to a fight and Romeo killed him. Then he said his good-byes to Juliet drank the poison and perk up off to the floor jobless as a room access knob. The poison wares off on Juliet she wakes up and see her while on the flour dead so she kills her self this time. So she is genuinely dead.         I think that is was Romeo fault because he is the one that stared the problem. Then he got mechio killed from going to the Caplets party. Then in irritability Romeo kills Tyble. Which that cause him to be banished from town. When he hears that Juliet is dead he go to think his goodbye. When he was doing that he killed Paris. Then kills his self. When Juliet see this she kills herself with the dagger. So see if Romeo never shake off in love with Juliet no(prenominal) of these problems would of happened. want all of the state that got killed. That is why I think that is was Romeo because he fell in love. If you want to get a all-encompassing essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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