
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Summer of the Aliens" by Louis Nowra - Lewis' interest in aliens and the Cuban missile crisis help to illuminate the themes of the play.

Lewis interest in aliens and the Cuban missile crisis help to crush down the themes of the play. In spend of the Aliens, Louis Nowra, the author, uses a lot of symbol and subtext. fissiparous themes and subjects, akin the Cuban missile crisis and Lewis alien fascination, be oftentimes inter connected with the of import storyline. Because of this, there argon legion(predicate) be themes that the reader may non nonice on the rootage read through. There are several themes behind the story, nevertheless they are all connected by the main theme, which is relationships. The children festering up in the mid-sixties were the first generation to gainsay the idea of a average life. People just anticipate that you would go to school, get a real job, and then stick with that until you retired. Lewis and Dulcie some(prenominal) precious more, especially Dulcie. She in the beginning only indispensablenessed to be an acrobat. moreover when she gain this annoy her parents, she saw doing this as a fashion to get backwards at them. Her new rebellious strength led her to say things like she wants to be a woman of the street and travel a Moslem. She was forced to behave her emotions this way because of the subjugation of the time. edict did not allow her to chatter badly of her father and boot he was sexually harassing her.
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