
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Key concepts in business.

I. Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate friendly office goes beyond making ones bank line or enterprise an economic institution submit towards profit whose main responsibility to society is to provide goods and dress and to return maximum benefits to its shareholders. CSR is let onright becoming an emerging postulate in businesses and most of the businesses these geezerhood that attain sustainable phylogenesis are those who practice CSR. CSR assesses a business non further from its monetary succeeder but in the likes of manner from how well it distributes any(prenominal) of its wealth run for to the shareholders and the community, and as well as how it contributes to twain environmental and loving issues. Furthermore, in developing countries like the Philippines, CSR cigarette become very(prenominal) beneficial. The group showed examples of the CSR undertakings of companies like ABS-CBN and GMA and these acts by all odds had a great bear on in helping a tidy sum of people. In return, these two companies continue to be strongly support by the people. II. Benchmarking The essence of benchmarking is in getting what is good from other(a) leading businesses and neglecting what is bad. It helps businesses to go with the flow of the industry and non be left out through comparing the implementation in the key business functions. However, benchmarking is not as saucer-eyed as it may seem.
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