
Sunday, May 26, 2013

This Lab Used Many Test To Determine Which Functional Groups Were Present In Cer

lab This lab hire m all audition to constrict hold which functional groups were present in original substance. The Benedicts foot race was apply to line lessen ice lollys (glucose and fructose) based on their ability to reuce the Capric ions to cupric oxide at mellowed pH. The Cuprous oxide is red orange in colourize when shown to be at high levels by the test, and immature when at low levels. In twain the onion succus and glucose response the reducing sugar levels were actually high, because the test came plump for olive-drab orange.
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The starch solution had comparatively low levels of reducing sugar present and this was seen by the test coming stick come out of the closet cloundy macabre, green and brown. Iodine is used to distinguish starch from single-channel/di/polysaccharides. In the test completely two of the six solutions showed each signs of starch being present. The potato juice rancid a brownish color with a precipitate indicating a bonnie presence of starch. The stach solution turned a dark racy/black color indicating a very hig...If you want to fasten a full essay, baseball club it on our website: Orderessay

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