
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Franz Haydn

Franz Haydn Franz Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn is regarded as one of the superior composers of the incorrupt bound. He is often called the father of both the music and the string quartet, and he founded what is live as the Viennese classical school, which consisted of himself, his friend, Wolfgang Mozart, and his pupil, Ludwig van Beethoven. During his lifetime, he produced a mind-boggling amount of music. He lived from the end of the baroque achievement to the beginning of the romantic period, and presided all over the transition between them. Franz Joseph Haydn was innate(p) in Rohrau, Austria, on April 1, 1732, to Mathias and Anna Maria Koller Haydn.
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Joseph Haydns parents had 12 children, but, sadly, six of them died during infancy. His hold up siblings included two brothers, Johann evangelist and Johann Michael, and three sisters, Anna Maria Franziska, Anna Maria, and Anna Katharina. umpteen references give March 31 as Haydns birthday, but official records disprove this. It is rumo...If you want to puff a full essay, fiat it on our website: Orderessay

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