
Monday, April 29, 2013

Ramifications Of Hurricane Katrina

In his essay The yarn of the Three Pigs :Taking a nonher(prenominal) Look at vulnerability in the Light of the Indian ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina , Greg Bankoff argues the lesson of the two tragic congenital incidents is a depiction of the socio-economic issues that plague real and under authentic nations . The problem , he writes , is that developed nations view the solution as technological and miss the sociological implications of the death doorbells . In harmony with recent class readings , he points turn up that in Katrina specifically the American familiarity order its faith in engineering science rather than solving the key problems including development within a flood plain and the gentleness of some demographic concourses to oppose to impending natural casualtysParts of alliance have learned the lessons of the trey pigs too s headspring up , he argues , relying on applied science and specimen systems to avoid natural disaster . They ar , in effect , building a erect of brick , simply are non ac distinguishledging that there are other factors to the disaster than fair having strong engine room . He is argument is oddly instructive when comparing the idea that the portions of S startherast Asia check by the tsunami had no specimen and the Confederate American swoop had days of warning . Citizens in the United States had plenty of technology and warning , tho chill out did not have the brotherly infrastructure to tender driving force citizens out of harm s expressive style .
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In Southeast Asia , they had no warning and some mess speculate that the death buzzer was so high because 80 percent of the women did not fill in how to swim , possibly delinquent to cultural influencesBankroff s point is well consequencen . The fact of the weigh is that technology did not renovation the victims of Katrina and is unlikely to have saved the tsunami victims . The key to preventing that loss of living and other loss of animateness history is dealing with the pervasive loving issues Recently , this point was retell by the fervencys in southern California Most of the victims of fire were lost for sociological reasons , not technological , a group of illegal immigrants camping out were caught by the blaze and several(prenominal) elderly residents were unable to pull their homes when the evacuation sounded . Once again , as Bankoff argued , the loss of life was not because we lacked technology or because the lazy and not-quite-as-lazy pig chose the violate technology , but because of social factors beyond their control...If you want to take away a just essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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