
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Do Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble

Do Curfews curb teenagers out of anxiety

I see that curfews plunder keep teens out of foreboding but it can also encage them from the nightlife. simply indeed isnt it thoroughly to keep our kids out of the nightlife? Most enkindles would come out to agree, and then close teens would seem to this agree about this argument. I am a stripling in high school a senior and no I didnt have a lot of let of the night life that most parents are afraid of their kids travel into, and so far I am a jolly darling kid who doesnt get into trouble I mountt do drugs or have open sex or have sex in that matter. But what is so bad about the nightlife that every good parent is afraid of letting his or her kids experience? And why is that most teenagers want to experience the nightlife? I personally believe that the rationalness why teenagers want to experience this and not have all curfews is to be free, to be on their own to stop macrocosm babied by their parents.

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I believe it makes them feel older much responsible even though they are doing something stupid, but then I also believe that by having curfews keeps the teenagers out of trouble it keeps them off the streets away from drunk drivers, drugs, alcohol, violence, and sex and that is a good thing fewer teenage deaths by drunk driving, dose off drugs, being violent because of drunk people, and fewer teenage pregnancies all of that sound good. But then what happens t teenagers who dont get that freedom that they want? They start young lady behaving start acquiring into trouble at home offset fights with mom and dad threatening them by running away, getting into trouble with the law, then they have a record at 15. Doing drugs having sex everywhere getting pregnant. I think if the parents went with the teen going out that would help the teen out of trouble and not be so encaged at home doing zip fastener hearing about the stuff that their friends are doing and having a good time while the teenager cant experience either of that freedom. Thats also why I...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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