
Friday, March 29, 2013

A Big Snow

As we marched through the overwhelming snow storm, I began to cognize how practically hatred was in war. War. What a joke. Governments use war to gain something. Greed is the story of war for the most part. However, this war, charge though I had not realized it then, was not as much of a joke as I depart talk about other war.
It had been 3 months since I had conjugated the military. 24 years of age. My name is Brian. War has always been a huge factor in my country. Denmark has always been a inactive country. Where had it gone? I mean, ever since my friend Joseph took over as President, it has been hell. Pure hell.
Joseph has always been a nice guy; truly shy, timid. Then when we were 15 years old, he got news that his parents were assassinate by German spies. It is beyond me why the Germans would proceed to do this unnatural act, but they did it and it really fumed Josephs vexation of course. Joseph swore revenge on the Germans for their doings. I always tried to console him down, but he always plotted as much revenge as he possibly could.
The hatred in his eyes was extremely unbearable as a babe and had gotten worse as we became young adults. He had begun his race to call on the President of Denmark. He had been turned down numerous clock before they had even considered him.

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For most of his race, he had gotten many representatives to serve up him. He was a in truth cunning person. I dream up playing games like tag. He would always hide in trees to jump on the great unwashed and he would have many different plans to get me and my other friends. Only took him about 10 minutes to catch all of us. Very quick and very cunning. That is the only thing that I could ever see in him that would never change; and boy was I right!
A few years later, the major elections had begun and Joseph had become the front runner. At only 20 years old, it was a miracle. He did it. He had won the elections and he took the country by storm. Many people joined the bandwagon of the young, faithful, and loyal leader, but...If you want to get a near essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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